Amateur Radio and Scouting at Philmont Training Center
Thought for the Day by  Jim Brown, July 12, 2022.

In Indiana, there is a common saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

That attitude does not bode well for improvement.

The Japanese have a concept called Kaisen, which means continuous improvement. This concept is used in both the business world and in the study of martial arts. 

Similarly, Scouting through its natural progression of advancement and leadership opportunities guides young men and women in their path of continuous improvement in Scouting skills. These experiences will serve them well throughout their lives.

Why are we here? PTC provides an environment for us to be the best possible mentors we can be. As we learn through our own continuous improvement, we become better mentors.

That’s why we are here!

Villa Philmonte

Photo by Jim Brown